Domain Already Exists:

This domain was already registered elsewhere.

If you are not the owner of this domain, your hosting account will be useless!

Are you owner of this domain?

Transfer Domain:

Do you want to transfer your domain?

You may need to click transfer confirmation link in message sent by your current operator.

You have to use tool provided by your operator to configure your domain to use these domain servers:,

Warning: Eligibility Requirements for .it Domain Registration

Please note that to register a ".it" domain, the registrant must be a citizen or resident of a country that belongs to the European Economic Area (EEA), the Vatican City State, the Republic of San Marino, the Swiss Confederation, or the United Kingdom.

If you do not meet these eligibility requirements, you will not be able to register a ".it" domain.

By proceeding with the registration process, you acknowledge that you meet these eligibility requirements and agree to abide by all applicable regulations.

Attach Domain:

This domain was already registered elsewhere.

If you are not the owner of this domain, your hosting account will be useless!

You have to use tool provided by your operator to configure your domain to use these domain servers:,

Are you sure that you own this domain?

Select domain name, one of our free domains ( or your own (as long as you already own it), without www. prefix.

Select server plan (compare offers):

Dedicated server hosting period:

not applicable Full price:

Select VPS plan (compare offers):

VPS server hosting period:

no Admin support:

not applicable Full price:

Password strength:

Select hosting plan (compare offers):

Hosting period:

for free Hosting price:

for free Domain registration price:

not applicable Full price:

Profile Data

I am registering this service as:


User Data

